A Comparative Study Investigate of Narrative Teqhniques in childish poetry on Propp's Narrative Theory (example in My Village Naeirieh by Soleyman Isa and The Clock without Tik Tak by Mehdi Moradi based)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

2 persian gulf university

3 Persian Gulf University Boushehr


Narratology is one of the new fields attentioned by literature criticizers and researchers in recent decades.Veladimir Propp,the Russian theorist, as one of the most important narratology theorist has presented his narrative patterns with publishing his famous book, Morphology of the Folktale, in 1928. Soleyman Isa and Mehdi Moradi,Syrian and Iranian contemporary poets, in their books, My Village Naeirieh and The Clock without Tik Tak, are employed some narrative techniques effectively. This study aims to investigate comparstively the use narrative techniques in previously mentionening books. This article attempts to consider the narrarive twchniques in mentioned books with regard to Propp's narratology theory based upon a descriptive-analytic method. The study also takes a brief look to the biography of poets and then provide some materials rekated to narration and Propp's narràtolgy theory. Study shows that the poets are familiar with the perseption of their addressees and know how to dedicate narrative techniques to poetry, because of their ability to poetry writing.
