Review of Article "Relation of the word with the meaning and teaching Arabic language"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Arabic language and literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 M.A. Student of Arabic language Translation, literature and Humanities College, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran.


Criticism as an effective tool in evaluating information is a research work. The present article has been written with a critical approach in order to study the content and formal dimensions of the article “Relation of the word with the meaning and teaching Arabic language" written by Ahmad Al-Diab. In this work, which consists of three main parts, he explains the opinions of experts for and against the word and meaning, priority over each other, separation between word and meaning, and knowing one or the existence of unity and solidarity between these two components. Has been able to find ways to use it to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. In the present article, we have tried to critique and evaluate the article “Relation of the word with the meaning and teaching Arabic language" in an analytical manner and according to the defined criteria for critique and evaluation of research works. The result of the research shows that the author has tried to introduce the two elements of word and meaning as important elements of linguistic studies to emphasize that teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers should be the same as European educational institutions based on Be a linguistic approach; However, conversation has been emphasized by teachers in recent research and has been considered as a more important point.
