Explanation the artistic quality of images in Abu Tammam's Sonnets

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor of Arabic Language & Literature, faculty of Foreign Language, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan.

2 Assistant Professor of Farhangian university of Fars


Abu Tammam (d. 228 AH) is a famous poet of the Abbasid era. He is a deconstructive poet whose poem's concepts will not be understood except with contemplation. The main theme of his poetry is the ode and the prominent theme in his divan is eulogy. The eulogies usually begin with lyricism and sometimes end in epic. In his divan, there are some sonnets whose number of verses from 2 to 8. This paper tries to analyze these sonnets and identify artistic images and literary devices used in his poem. This research based on analytical-descriptive method, presents quantitative data along with numerous examples to shed light on the artistic status of his sonnets. Abu Tammam adopts the theme of some of his sonnets from the nature and others from religious teachings. In other instances, he has integrated emotional elements with epic. Thus, the metaphors, similes and wordplay used in his poetry is an indication of different intertwined concepts in a poetic experience, being visible in two dimensions. Except a few instances, the artistic quality of rhetorical and literary devices of these sonnets reflecta coldness of the poet's feelings and a futility of imagination,
