Analysis of valid books on basic delivery in textbooks (present article of the fifth lesson of the ninth grade Arabic textbook)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangian University, Nasibeh Campus, Shahid Bahonar Branch, Tehran

2 univercity farhangiyan/ Tehran/ teacher student of shahid bahonar tehran


In recent years, with the approval of the Fundamental Transformation Document and the National Curriculum and the Arabic Curriculum Guide, which is a roadmap for writing Arabic textbooks, we are witnessing extensive changes in the content of newly authored Arabic textbooks. The most important purpose of this research is to show how the indicators of the document of fundamental change have shown themselves in the fifth lesson of the ninth grade Arabic book. This research has been done by adopting a descriptive goal using quantitative methodology and using content analysis method by selecting the ninth grade Arabic book as a sample. The results of the fifth lesson of the ninth grade Arabic textbook showed that from the perspective of the document of fundamental change, the most attention was focused on the field of worship and morality. Also, other results of this study showed that this lesson largely implements the text approach Axis has been successful.
